LangCSS now has a free forever plan

LangCSS is free! Try the demo – click here.

What is LangCSS?

LangCSS is a tool for letting AI help you quickly create Tailwind code. It might be a single line of text you want to make into a gradient style, or an entire landing page you want.

AI is brilliant, but it is still early. And LangCSS and any other tool using AI can make mistakes. The benefit of using a tool like this is still there though is it might get you most of the way there, give you ideas you didn’t consider before, or just save you time on something that requires 3-4 stack overflow posts to figure out.

That said, I am working on trying different models, prompts and frameworks to make things better.

I am also looking at how to integrate great tools like DaisyUI into the app.

Why free?

Simple – I want more people to use it and give me feedback. I don’t know what is important to add next (or remove!) and who is using it and why. At the moment there are lots of startups providing free AI, so it isn’t costing me much now, although that could change.

Intrigued? Try a demo here.

Or, pop your email below if you are interested but might what to try it later: